Right to Buy

We'll walk you through the best mortgage options for your approach.

‘Right to Buy’ is a government scheme allowing council tenants the option to buy their council property, often with huge discounts linked to the length of time you have held a council tenancy – you could be eligible for a discount of up to 70% off the market value of the property (max. £82,800 across England or £110,500 in London boroughs - whichever is lower) and this discount can normally act as your deposit to buy the property, meaning you can become a homeowner with very little upfront cost. 

The terms can vary from one local authority to the next, so it’s important to ask for information from your council to clarify your options, and ultimately submit an application form to indicate your interest in buying the property. You will normally have a response within 4 weeks of submitting your forms, after which if you’re successful, the local authority will appoint a surveyor to give a valuation on the property. Once the market value is established, they then have a figure on which they can calculate the discount you’re eligible for.

Once this process has been completed, they will send you an offer to purchase and confirm a timescale that everything needs to be completed within – this is when we need to get your mortgage application submitted.

Having dealt with many Right to Buy applications in the past, we are more than confident in guiding you through the process so please feel free to get in touch if this is something you’re keen to do.

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